Inspiring Leaders
In our school we teach multiple grades, providing excellent opportunities for mentorship and life-long friendships.
We are like a family and we like to engage in diverse learning opportunities that push our thinking, creativity and growth.
We use technology across grades to enhance learning experiences. Whether it be using iPads, laptops or Chromebooks, and whether it be through research, projects, computer coding or using Google Classroom, we are equipping students to be future ready.
Options for grade 3-9 are offered:
- Blackfoot
- Coding
- Photography
- Yearbook
- Bird House Building
- Duct Tape Creations
- Lego Storybuilder
- Science Activities
- Yoga
- Archery
In addition to our excellent mix of traditional and project-based learning approaches we are offering:
Grade 1-6 Music and 7-9 band
Grade 1-9 art
Come and learn with us!